A wide selection of porcelain tiles are available for your wall and floor. Porcelain Mosaics are also available in our showroom located in Boisbriand nearby Laval, Rosemere, Blainville, Lorraine.

Porcelain Tiles are manufactured using a blend of fine-grain cays and other minerals to produce a very dense body. This makes porcelain tile highly resistant to moisture, staining and wear. Porcelain tiles are more resistant than Ceramic tiles and they will withstand years of heavy foot traffic in both interior and exterior applications while maintaining its color and beauty.

Easy to clean, porcelaine tiles

Wide variety of colours and textures of porcelain tiles

Wide collection of porcelain for all kitchen and bathroom projet

All styles: traditional, ludic, modern, rustic.


Little deco tips

Select same collection for your floors and walls for a perfect harmony. You can also constrast the tiles on the floor with the ones on the walls for an original style.



Simple installation

Precisely mesure your surface to cover and plan properly.

Diagonal installation of  porcelain and ceramic tile is the most  installation diagonally La pose de porcelaine ou de céramique en diagonale est la plus traditionnelle pour assortir plusieurs couleurs. La pose droite apporte une touche plus contemporaine. Les formats de céramiques rectangulaires se posent à la verticale ou à l’horizontale.

The installation of porcelain or ceramic diagonal is the most traditional to match several colors. The right pose brings a contemporary twist. Ceramic rectangular formats facing vertically or horizontally. Discover our advice well put your images to your ceramic tile project located in Blainville, Boisbriand, Rosemère , Mirabel , Lorraine, Terrebonne, Laval and Montreal.

Céramique au Sommet / Granite au Sommet
840 Curé Boivin, Boisbriand, Québec, J7G 2A7