Choosing Kitchen Tiles For Flooring

Your kitchen is perhaps the most used room in your home. It’s where you cook meals and where your family gathers to share food and stories about their day. Whether you’re designing a new kitchen or updating your old kitchen with a new look, choosing the best tiles for flooring can seem complicated. It doesn’t have to be. We’ve broken down what you need to know to select tiles that are both functional and fabulous for your kitchen project.


Tile Durability 

The floor tile you choose needs to be durable and able to stand up to heavy traffic, children, pets, and spills. When buying tile, make sure it’s been designed and intended for use as “floor tile.” Other tiling may look similar but lack the durability and safety for flooring.

Focus on Color and Design

Floor tiling looks best when it fits into the overall design and style of the kitchen. Start with your cabinetry. If you’re looking for harmony, tile that has some of the natural color tones of the cabinets can create a cohesive look. Or maybe you want to make a statement with contrasting colors and patterns. The one thing to keep in mind is that lighter flooring can make a space look bigger and brighter, which is ideal for smaller kitchens. 

Tile Size

You have unlimited tile sizes to choose from, all the way from smaller tiles that look decorative to larger 24-inch tiles that make a statement. Take into consideration the size of your kitchen. Larger tiles will have less grout lines, which can make the room look larger. Smaller tiles can be used to define the space by creating an edge or a border with larger tiles, giving a luxurious look and feel to your kitchen.

Tile Shapes

Although square tiles are most commonly used for flooring, don’t limit yourself to this trend. Other shapes include hexagons, octagons, and rectangles. These different tile shapes can create a bold look in your kitchen, adding to the overall design. For instance, hexagon tiles have a contemporary look while rectangle tiles can bring a more modern and sleeker look to the room. 

Flooring Porcelain Tiles

One of the biggest decisions you’ll have to make about kitchen flooring is material. Wood, porcelain, ceramic, and granite are all options. If you’re looking for flooring that’s durable, long-lasting, and aesthetically pleasing, put granite at the top of your list. Granite tiles are available in different colors and patterns and can increase the property value of your home. Resistant to scratches and stains, granite works well for families with small children.

Tiles are Easy to Clean 

Your kitchen space is going to go through a lot of wear and tear with spills and items dropped on the floor. This means that kitchen flooring needs to be easy to clean and maintain. Look for flooring that’s going to hold up to daily sweeping, mopping, and scouring and that’s resistant to cracks.

Choosing the right tile flooring doesn’t have to be confusing. Contact Granite au Sommet to answer all your questions about granite flooring for your kitchen.